Industry Overview
The State of the College Planning Franchise Industry
U.S. students are graduating from high school at a higher rate than ever before, and that number is not expected to decline. The nation’s high school graduation rate hit 88 percent in 2018-19. This results in an untapped market with an enormous demand for services that can be met nationwide, in both urban and rural settings, by Class 101.
Most college students don’t earn a degree in four years, according to a report called the Four-Year Myth. Why? There are too few counselors to help them chart their course. The result is wasted time and money for both students and parents.
Class 101 is a simple, but highly effective, business model. “We aim for 100 client referrals a year, with a goal of 40 to 50 students,” says Founder Tom Pabin. “The average sale for a consulting retainer is $3,400, and our average closing rate is 90 percent nationwide.”
Colleges & Universities
Worldwide -
Locations and Growing
Starting Low Cost Initial Investment*
Class 101 Offers Scalability
Our college planning franchise owners have a manageable workload, and the average sale is $3,400. We also offer eight-week ACT and SAT preparation courses and organized campus visits, keeping revenue flowing throughout the year.
There is tremendous pent-up demand for the services provided by Class 101. A typical Class 101 territory has a population of about 250,000 with eight high schools — comprised of 14,000 total high school students. Of this high school population, 3,500 are seniors. A Class 101 education franchise can be successful with a 1% penetration rate, and there is plenty of expansion potential in larger markets for multiple franchise locations. We have plans in place to open 100 Class 101 locations by 2024.

Class 101 Provides Communities With a Much-Needed Service
High school counselors spend less than 40 minutes each year helping prepare seniors for college, so the demand for a service that provides detailed guidance for students and their families is high. Class 101 provides personalized planning services that cut through the confusion and help save families thousands of dollars.
Most high school counselors are frustrated with their ability to adequately prepare high school seniors for college. More than seven in 10 (71 percent) of high school counselors rate Academic Planning for College and Career Readiness as very important, but only 34 percent say their school is successful, according to the “2011 National Survey of School Counselors: Counseling at a Crossroads” by The College Board National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA).
“We build relationships with kids. Most of our competitors are amateurs, providing college preparation services just part time or online and working with just 10 or 20 students. We establish one-on-one relationships with students,” says Class 101 Founder Tom Pabin.
Class 101 is available to meet the need for college prep services in communities nationwide. Our existing franchisees are experiencing rapid growth through dedication to our mission — helping our students get into college affordably.
If you’re ready to learn more about Class 101 and why we are a great franchise opportunity in the education sector, check out the Why Us? page.

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